Lizzt of some of our gigzz which are imminent (and less imminent)

Derek Ayling Stand Up Comedy Show at Godshill Village Hall, opposite the Fighting Cocks public house, at 7.30pm, on Friday, 22 November – A night of comedy and music.
“Vanessa’s Villains:”
7th June, playing at the Lymington Acoustic Club, at the Thomas Tripp, Christchurch
13th June, Tuesday evening, playing at the Everton Music Festival
1st July, Saturday evening: St Mary’s Church Hall, part of Patronal “Arts and Music Festival”
14th August: evening at Chandlers Ford, playing for the Hampshire Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
28th August: Verwood Rustic Fayre, Bank Holiday Monday, mid-day onwards, Potterne Park
2nd September, lunchtime, Amberwood House, Ringwood, annual BBQ
6th September evening: Lymington Acoustic Club, at the Thomas Tripp, Christchurch
13th – 16th October: weekend in Vimoutiers, Normandy, 35th anniversary of Fordingbridge Twinning Association: Festival of Apples/Foire de la Pomme
The “Flamin’ Ukes”
16th February: Androse House Peoples’ Home, Ringwood, afternoon
16th March, at Avon Way Community Centre, Fordingbridge, 11.00am
24th March, at Amberwood Peoples’ Home, Ringwood
12th April, Afternoon tea-time, at the Farway Grange Care Home, at Bournemouth
20th May: Ringwood “Fanfare for Spring” festival: all day
13th June, lunchtime, at the Wells Place Centre, Eastleigh
26th July: afternoon: Bashley Blind Club
12th August: Ellingham Show, Somerley, Saturday afternoon
15th August, at Chandler’s Ford: “The Happy Bunch”
28th August, Bank Holiday Monday: Verwood Rustic Fayre, Potterne Park
2nd September: Amberwood House annual BBQ
8th September: Friday evening. Kinson Wine Club, Stapehill Village Hall, with a “comedy break”!
2nd December: afternoon and evening: Ringwood Christmas event
11th December: Monday evening, British Legion at Ringwood Conservative Club
12th December: Tuesday morning at the NHS RF, at St Leonard’s Village Hall
16th December: 6.00 – 9.00 pm, evening festivities at Ringwood Brewery, 6.00 – 9.00 pm
The “Elderberries”: Hollyberry, Huckleberry, Razberry, and Blueberry
1st March, at Lymington Acoustic and Folk Club
5th April: at Lymington Acoustic and Folk Club
7th June: Lymington Acoustic Club, Christchurch
13th June, at Everton Music Festival
15th August, lunchtime, at the “Happy Bunch” annual BBQ, Chandlers Ford
6th September: Lymington Acoustic Club, Christchurch
The “New Forest Jazz Workshop”
Friday evening, 26th May, Fordingbridge Town hall, background music, while French visitors arrive, part of 35th anniversary of Twinning celebrations
28th June, evening, at the “Bat and Ball, Breamore, SP6 2EA
1st July, in St Mary’s Church Hall, Fordingbridge, part of the “Patronal Arts and Music Festival”
14th August, evening at Chandlers Ford, “Hants Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy”
2nd September: Amberwood House, Ringwood, annual lunchtime BBQ
13th-15th October, weekend in Vimoutiers, part of the 35th anniversary of twinning celebrations, and with Vimoutiers’ own “Festival of Apples”/
Other “DelboizzJazzatazz Manifestations”
1st July evening: “Mike Ireland and Delboy” playing several “hot club numbers”, supporting the NFJW
15th August: playing for the “Happy Bunch” old peoples’ annual garden party